August 19, 2024





Mutual Combat!!!

The end of summer is fast approaching, and school is back in.

We can all agree that it went by too fast, and even more of a reason to join us on August 31st at Tru Bloodline MMA & Fitness, for some good entertaining competition in Boxing, MMA, Kickboxing, BJJ, and Pillow Fighting!




All gyms and able-body skilled combat artists are encouraged to compete in this event to test yourselves and see where it is you fall short or gain a major victory in your overall progression as a combat fighter! Only then on either spectrum can you gain what you need to move forward and conquer the better version of one’s self!



December 7, 2023


At weigh-ins, we collect needed paperwork, answer any questions, and ensure the competitor is on agreed-upon weight, or within the weight allowance for competition.

The weigh-ins will be around 6:30 pm on Friday, I encourage the day before weigh-ins attendance if competing, for professionalism and re-nourishment. Also, we can get good face-off photos! (details listed below)


2613 ½ E NASA Pkwy, Seabrook, TX 77586

FIGHT CARD (Subject To Change) 

135-140lbs: MMA-Julian Sisco (Tru Bloodline) vs Carlos Escobar (TXO Academy)

155-160lbs: KB- Erik Deanda (Fit Lab) vs Dominic Torres (Next Level)

Light Heavy: Kickboxing-Arturo Chavez (Tru Bloodline) vs Elijah Randle (TXO Academy)

135lbs: MMA-Hunter Houston vs Rafael Bermudez (Millenium)

1545-165lbs: MMA- Isaiah Garza (Tru Bloodline) vs Sidney Kittler (Fit Lab)

160-165lbs: MMA-Vernon Palmer (Tru Bloodline) vs Evan French (Tru Bloodline)

140-150lbs: BOX- Jordon Bieber (Tru Bloodline) vs Triston Dockall (TBL)

170lbs: MMA- Maddux Morgan (Tru Bloodline) vs Ethan Nguyen (Tru Bloodline)

185-195lbs: BOX- Ethan Brown (Tru Bloodline) vs Dustin Beck (Tru Bloodline)

155-165lbs: KB- Jeremy Rayburn (Tru Bloodline) vs Jared Rivera (Tru Bloodline)

145lbs: MMA- Eduardo Martinez (Fit Lab) vs Jack Roland (Tru Bloodline)

November 29, 2023

“CHRISTMAS ARMAGEDDON” Dec 9th on The Yard @ Barge 295 (Mutual Combat Card)

A night of action to never forget on the lake as “CHRISTMAS ARMAGEDDON” comes to town!!! We will not be riding a slay like old Saint Nick,  but the 20-foot by 20-foot canvas should suffice for the warriors that will be bringing it toe to toe at The Yard @ Barge 295 on NASA RD. 1, in MMA, Boxing, Kickboxing, and Pillow Fighting!!!

A competitive outdoor night can be enjoyed on December 9th…


FIGHT CARD (Subject To Change) 

135-140lbs: MMA-Julian Sisco (Tru Bloodline) vs Carlos Escobar (TXO Academy)

155-160lbs: KB- Erik Deanda (Fit Lab) vs Dominic Torres (Next Level)

Light Heavy: Kickboxing- Arturo Chavez (Tru Bloodline) vs Elijah Randle (TXO Academy)

135lbs: KB- Hunter Houston vs Rafael Bermudez (Millenium)

1545-165lbs: KB- Isaiah Garza (Tru Bloodline) vs Sidney Kittler (Fit Lab)

160-165lbs: MMA- Vernon Palmer (Tru Bloodline) vs Evan French (Tru Bloodline)

140-150lbs: BOX- Jordon Bieber (Tru Bloodline) vs Triston Dockall (TBL)

170lbs: MMA- Maddux Morgan (Tru Bloodline) vs Ethan Nguyen (Tru Bloodline)

185-195lbs: BOX- Ethan Brown (Tru Bloodline) vs Dustin Beck (Tru Bloodline)

155-165lbs: KB- Jeremy Rayburn (Tru Bloodline) vs Jared Rivera (Tru Bloodline)

145lbs: MMA- Eduardo Martinez (Fit Lab) vs Jack Roland (Tru Bloodline)

October 28, 2023

“DUNAMIS” Weigh-Ins Oct.28th @ROCK’S

October 26, 2023

“DUNAMIS” Mutual Combat WEIGH-INS @

Mutual Combat Weigh-ins 

2416 Bay Area Blvd Suite E, Houston, TX 77058

At weigh-ins, we collect needed paperwork, answer any questions, and ensure the competitor is on agreed-upon weight, or within the weight allowance for competition. The weigh-ins will be around 7 pm on Friday, I encourage the day before weigh-ins attendance if competing, for professionalism and re-nourishment. Also, we can get good face-off photos! (details listed below)

Mutual Combat Card (Subject To Change)

135-140lbs: Box- Jordon Rush Bieber (Tru Bloodline MMA) vs Donovan McWhorter (Next Level)

130lbs: KB- Jeremiah Porraz (Tru Bloodline) vs Luis Naranjo (Millennium)

 180-185lbs: KB- Brett Malory (Tru Bloodline) vs Barrett Langham (Brazilian Top Team)

190-200lbs: Boxing- Deshawn Williams (SELF Combat) vs Matthew Soto (Tru Bloodline MMA)

145-150lbs: MMA- Jeremy Rayburn (Tru Bloodline MMA) vs Kaleb Barkley (Tru Bloodline MMA)

125lbs: KB- Justin Morales (Tru Bloodline MMA) vs Leanthony Larry (Millennium)

Youth: KB- Eric Esparza( Tru Bloodline MMA) vs Jason Fuentes (Tru Bloodline MMA)

Yousuf Abbas (Texas Striking Academy) vs Nicholas Hebert (Tru BloodlineMMA)

165-175: MMA- Ivan Murillo (Texas Striking Academy) vs Thomas Muniz (Tru Bloodline MMA)

120-135: KB- David Garza (Millennium) vs Joshua Ceja (Team Ceja)

155- 160lbs: KB- Adan Huerta (Millennium) vs Isaiah Garza (Tru Bloodline MMA)

160-170lbs: Boxing- Evan French (Tru Bloodline MMA) vs Ricardo Beltran (Next Level)

140-150lbs: KB- Jack Roland (Tru Bloodline) vs Bryan Cervantes (Millennium)

160lbs: KB- Johnathan Wittenberg (Galveston MMA) vs Chance Phillips (Tru Bloodline MMA)

160-165lbs: KB- Darrien Swanson (Brazilian Top Team) vs Ethan Weaver (Tru Bloodline MMA)

130-135lbs: KB- Hunter Houston (Tru Bloodline MMA) vs Eliseo Garcia  (Millennium)

Hvy: Box- Francisco Hernandez (Tru Bloodline MMA) vs Matt Moreno (Texas City Boxing)

Lightweight: MMA- Jeremy Garcia (Tru Bloodline MMA) vs Julian Sisco (Tru Bloodline MMA)