Tag: Ludus Gladiatorius
April 24, 2018

Ludas Gladiatorius Registration

T&T Youth Program and Tru Bloodline have teamed up to fight for our Texas youth and many that are at risk due to mainstream media and a lack of guidance, discipline, and support. The partnership will be hosting a hybrid showcase with some of Houston’s hottest aspiring combative artists in MMA, Boxing, Kick Boxing, BJJ, and wrestling! The fundraiser will be completely for charity and all proceeds will be going to the formation and funding of Houston’s own T&T Youth Program, advocates fighting for our future generations. The T&T Youth Program with help at-risk youth stay off the streets and help provide them with a place that has a positive and motivational atmosphere for them to hang out at besides the streets and corners, also while providing structure, martial arts training, discipline, moral and emotional support, and spiritual growth that our young Texas at risk youths need! T&T also helps fight the battle against parental alienation, because many at-risk youths are the by-product of broken homes and alienated from one of its parents, hence catching it early can prevent the potential at-risk person never becoming troubled or a statistic. By supporting our event you are supporting our Texas youth, which is our future! The fundraiser will be held on June 16th at the Campbell Hall located at the Pasadena Fairgrounds. If you would like to be a participant in these matchups, please register on the form below or at this link: https://goo.gl/forms/HaEE5dauvuXMXynF3

For admission and more details please read below:

The fundraiser will be held on June 16th at the Campbell Hall located at the Pasadena Fairgrounds.

 Admission to the fundraiser is a donation basis at the door. Generous donations will receive a T&T Youth Program Shirt! Mockup of the shirt is below, it will include the T&T Youth Program logo, and list all our supporters of this great “At Risk Youth Fight” on the back! 

All Showcasing personnel are waived and no donation is required but T&T appreciates any if given, thank you! 

If You Would Like To Sponsor This Fundraiser Call 832-887-4910 For more Information

The fundraiser will start at 7 pm 

