February 22, 2022

“REDEMPTION” Weigh-Ins @BreWingZ/Feb.24th


Exhibition Weigh-ins

February, 24th @ BreWingz Restaurant

12001 East Fwy. Bldg C
Houston, TX 77029

7:00-8:30 pm

At weigh-ins, we collect needed paperwork answer any questions and make sure the competitor is on agreed-upon weight, or within the weight allowance for competition. The day of weigh-ins will be around 6 on Friday, but I encourage the day before weigh-ins attendance if competing, for good practice and needed re-nourishment. (details listed below)



(subject to change)

135-140: MMA- Aguilar Ley (TXO Academy) vs Gage Harper (Next Level)

155-165: KB- Ian Selby (10th Planet ATX) vs Bryan Cervantes (Millennium)

170175: Bjj- Ezekiel Miller(10th Planet ATX) vs Alec Mckinley (Tru Bloodline)

130-135: KB- Angel Pulido (House Of Dragons) vs Derek Tran (10th Planet ATX)

185-190: KB- Arturo Chavez (Tru Bloodline) vs Sean Babitt (10th Planet ATX)

170-175: MMA- Cameron Gould (10th Planet Atx) vs Inmar Gomez (Tru Bloodline)

12-14 yrs- Austin Heinz (10th Planet ATX) vs Aaron Trujillo (Tru Bloodline)

145: MMA- Steven Alexander (Next Level) vs Noah Beaty (Tru Bloodline)

145-155: MMA- Gavin Groba (Tru Bloodline) vs Jonathan Breitkreuz (House Of Dragons)

155: MMA- Cade Foradory (10th Planet ATX) vs Malik McGee (Team Leek)

150-155: MMA- Roy Edwards (Furia) vs Isaiah Garza (Tru Bloodline)

155-160MMA- Xavier Kie (Next Level) vs Jace Bryan (10th Planet ATX)

125-130: MMA- Jay Alderete (Next Level) vs Jason Ware (House Of Dragons)

145-150: MMA- Jack Roland (Tru Bloodline) vs Dylan Spyer (10th Planet ATX)

170-180: Box- Inmar Gomez (Tru Bloodline) vs Jake Christensen (10th Planet ATX)

155-160: MMA- Edward Romero (TXO Outlaws) vs Brian James (Next Level)

170: KB- Chris Bushnell (A.F.K.) vs Ian Selby (10th Planet ATX)

145-155: MMA- Caleb Kraft (10th Planet) vs Sam Borghese (Tru Bloodline)

155: MMA- Mike Zarate (Team Zarate) vs Johnny Alverez (Tru Bloodline)

145-150: KB- Andrew Carvajal (10th Planet ATX) vs Isaiah Garza (Tru Bloodline)

195-205: Box- Arturo Chavez (Tru Bloodline) vs Preston Maddox (10th Planet ATX)

Super Hvy: Box- Cameo Baker (Tru Bloodline) vs Juan Torres (Hit City Boxing)

Matches are still being added, if you don’t see your name have no fear this card will continue to be updated! Please share this link to promote the event! All Glory To Our King Jesus!!!

Click The Ticket


BreWingZ Location Link

February 14, 2022

“REDEMPTION” Exhibition Fight Card February 25th @ The Fountain Blu

Matches are still being made as registrations are still coming in, don’t miss a chance to compete in this action-filled night of MMA, Kickboxing, BJJ, and Boxing! You can register at the link below to take part in the competition, or secure your seat at the lovely Fountain Blu in Pasadena Texas. Sure to be an exhilarating night full of explosive bouts!!!



(subject to change)

135-140: MMA- Aguilar Ley (TXO Academy) vs Gage Harper (Next Level)

155-165: KB- Ian Selby (10th Planet ATX) vs Bryan Cervantes (Millennium)

170175: Bjj- Ezekiel Miller(10th Planet ATX) vs Alec Mckinley (Tru Bloodline)

130-135: KB- Angel Pulido (House Of Dragons) vs Derek Tran (10th Planet ATX)

185-190: KB- Arturo Chavez (Tru Bloodline) vs Sean Babitt (10th Planet ATX)

170-175: MMA- Cameron Gould (10th Planet Atx) vs Inmar Gomez (Tru Bloodline)

12-14 yrs- Austin Heinz (10th Planet ATX) vs Aaron Trujillo (Tru Bloodline)

145: MMA- Steven Alexander (Next Level) vs Noah Beaty (Tru Bloodline)

145-155: MMA- Gavin Groba (Tru Bloodline) vs Jonathan Breitkreuz (House Of Dragons)

155: MMA- Cade Foradory (10th Planet ATX) vs Malik McGee (Team Leek)

150-155: MMA- Roy Edwards (Furia) vs Isaiah Garza (Tru Bloodline)

155-160MMA- Xavier Kie (Next Level) vs Jace Bryan (10th Planet ATX)

125-130: MMA- Jay Alderete (Next Level) vs Jason Ware (House Of Dragons)

145-150: MMA- Jack Roland (Tru Bloodline) vs Dylan Spyer (10th Planet ATX)

170-180: Box- Inmar Gomez (Tru Bloodline) vs Jake Christensen (10th Planet ATX)

155-160: MMA- Edward Romero (TXO Outlaws) vs Brian James (Next Level)

170: KB- Chris Bushnell (A.F.K.) vs Ian Selby (10th Planet ATX)

145-155: MMA- Caleb Kraft (10th Planet) vs Sam Borghese (Tru Bloodline)

155: MMA- Mike Zarate (Team Zarate) vs Johnny Alverez (Tru Bloodline)

145-150: KB- Andrew Carvajal (10th Planet ATX) vs Isaiah Garza (Tru Bloodline)

195-205: Box- Arturo Chavez (Tru Bloodline) vs Preston Maddox (10th Planet ATX)

Super Hvy: Box- Cameo Baker (Tru Bloodline) vs Juan Torres (Hit City Boxing)

Matches are still being added, if you don’t see your name have no fear this card will continue to be updated! Please share this link to promote the event! All Glory To Our King Jesus!!!

Click To Register


FountainBlu Event Center

January 29, 2022

“REDEMPTION” Feb. 25th @Fountain Blu

Redemption will be made come February 25th! A night of exciting combat exhibition fights in MMA, KICKBOXING, BOXING & BJJ with a powerful message of KINGDOM REDEMPTION, a must for KINGDOM CITIZENSHIP!

Registration is open and matches will be forming soon, head over to the KINGDOM FIGHTS website to secure your competitor spot or admission into this remarkable night! All participants and spectators will receive a graphic shirt and drawstring backpack on entry!!!



Golden Ticket


FountainBlu Event Center