Kingdom Fights Presents: RISE July 29th

Come July 29th @ The Fountain Blu you can catch an exciting night of exhibition combat sports as Kingdom Fights Ministries & Tru Bloodline will be hosting “RISE”! Proverbs 24:16– “though a righteous man falls seven times he shall RISE again,” No matter how many times a righteous man falls that is covered by the blood of Christ you can be sure that he will RISE again!

On display, we will have MMA, Kickboxing, Boxing, and even Pillow Fighting in full swing! Kingdom Fights Will be awarding the top 2 or 3 teams with the most competitors, top performances with the largest crowd in attendance with a chance to receive Kingdom Fights Team Championship Title Belts for their gym!

Be sure to register yourself or all team members to participate in this reigning night of warrior action to qualify yourself and possibly the team for victory!

Registration is at KingdomFights.ORG 

Registration Link

Secure Your Attendance With The Golden Ticket!

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