Tag: www.trubloodline.com
November 29, 2023

“CHRISTMAS ARMAGEDDON” Dec 9th on The Yard @ Barge 295 (Mutual Combat Card)

A night of action to never forget on the lake as “CHRISTMAS ARMAGEDDON” comes to town!!! We will not be riding a slay like old Saint Nick,  but the 20-foot by 20-foot canvas should suffice for the warriors that will be bringing it toe to toe at The Yard @ Barge 295 on NASA RD. 1, in MMA, Boxing, Kickboxing, and Pillow Fighting!!!

A competitive outdoor night can be enjoyed on December 9th…


FIGHT CARD (Subject To Change) 

135-140lbs: MMA-Julian Sisco (Tru Bloodline) vs Carlos Escobar (TXO Academy)

155-160lbs: KB- Erik Deanda (Fit Lab) vs Dominic Torres (Next Level)

Light Heavy: Kickboxing- Arturo Chavez (Tru Bloodline) vs Elijah Randle (TXO Academy)

135lbs: KB- Hunter Houston vs Rafael Bermudez (Millenium)

1545-165lbs: KB- Isaiah Garza (Tru Bloodline) vs Sidney Kittler (Fit Lab)

160-165lbs: MMA- Vernon Palmer (Tru Bloodline) vs Evan French (Tru Bloodline)

140-150lbs: BOX- Jordon Bieber (Tru Bloodline) vs Triston Dockall (TBL)

170lbs: MMA- Maddux Morgan (Tru Bloodline) vs Ethan Nguyen (Tru Bloodline)

185-195lbs: BOX- Ethan Brown (Tru Bloodline) vs Dustin Beck (Tru Bloodline)

155-165lbs: KB- Jeremy Rayburn (Tru Bloodline) vs Jared Rivera (Tru Bloodline)

145lbs: MMA- Eduardo Martinez (Fit Lab) vs Jack Roland (Tru Bloodline)

October 28, 2023

“DUNAMIS” Weigh-Ins Oct.28th @ROCK’S

November 17, 2022


With the New Year on the horizon, now is the time to get ahead on the fitness resolutions you plan on making or already have! Why wait when you can be ahead of the game for 2023? Be the best you at Tru Bloodline MMA & Fitness and you’ll be able to say like countless others have, that you are in the best shape of your life and feel amazing!

Having access to the facility 24 hours, 7-days a week on top of the full training schedule in MMA, Boxing, Kickboxing, Wrestling, BJJ, and Strength & Conditioning, is the transformation you desire at your fingertips. The skies are the limit when it comes to your newly found health and fitness, when it comes down to it, what’s most important than taking care of number one!!!

Stop in and see us and raise your health and fitness to new heights! Take advantage of our flexible schedule and knowledgeable friendly staff! Ask about our flexible and family rates and this season’s promotion deals!



June 14, 2022

Kingdom Fights Presents: RISE July 29th

Come July 29th @ The Fountain Blu you can catch an exciting night of exhibition combat sports as Kingdom Fights Ministries & Tru Bloodline will be hosting “RISE”! Proverbs 24:16– “though a righteous man falls seven times he shall RISE again,” No matter how many times a righteous man falls that is covered by the blood of Christ you can be sure that he will RISE again!

On display, we will have MMA, Kickboxing, Boxing, and even Pillow Fighting in full swing! Kingdom Fights Will be awarding the top 2 or 3 teams with the most competitors, top performances with the largest crowd in attendance with a chance to receive Kingdom Fights Team Championship Title Belts for their gym!

Be sure to register yourself or all team members to participate in this reigning night of warrior action to qualify yourself and possibly the team for victory!

Registration is at KingdomFights.ORG 

Registration Link

Secure Your Attendance With The Golden Ticket!

April 20, 2022

Be Your Best!!!

Spring is here and summer is approaching fast. Get in the best shape of your life at Tru Bloodline MMA & Fitness! Learn self-defense combat skills while toning up and tuning your life to a happier you!!!

February 22, 2022


Take in all the action of the comfort of your home or any smart device!!!

Thanks for your PPVDonation of “REDEMPTION” @ The Fountain Blu!!!


Event streaming will start between 6:30 and 7:30.



“REDEMPTION” Weigh-Ins @BreWingZ/Feb.24th


Exhibition Weigh-ins

February, 24th @ BreWingz Restaurant

12001 East Fwy. Bldg C
Houston, TX 77029

7:00-8:30 pm

At weigh-ins, we collect needed paperwork answer any questions and make sure the competitor is on agreed-upon weight, or within the weight allowance for competition. The day of weigh-ins will be around 6 on Friday, but I encourage the day before weigh-ins attendance if competing, for good practice and needed re-nourishment. (details listed below)



(subject to change)

135-140: MMA- Aguilar Ley (TXO Academy) vs Gage Harper (Next Level)

155-165: KB- Ian Selby (10th Planet ATX) vs Bryan Cervantes (Millennium)

170175: Bjj- Ezekiel Miller(10th Planet ATX) vs Alec Mckinley (Tru Bloodline)

130-135: KB- Angel Pulido (House Of Dragons) vs Derek Tran (10th Planet ATX)

185-190: KB- Arturo Chavez (Tru Bloodline) vs Sean Babitt (10th Planet ATX)

170-175: MMA- Cameron Gould (10th Planet Atx) vs Inmar Gomez (Tru Bloodline)

12-14 yrs- Austin Heinz (10th Planet ATX) vs Aaron Trujillo (Tru Bloodline)

145: MMA- Steven Alexander (Next Level) vs Noah Beaty (Tru Bloodline)

145-155: MMA- Gavin Groba (Tru Bloodline) vs Jonathan Breitkreuz (House Of Dragons)

155: MMA- Cade Foradory (10th Planet ATX) vs Malik McGee (Team Leek)

150-155: MMA- Roy Edwards (Furia) vs Isaiah Garza (Tru Bloodline)

155-160MMA- Xavier Kie (Next Level) vs Jace Bryan (10th Planet ATX)

125-130: MMA- Jay Alderete (Next Level) vs Jason Ware (House Of Dragons)

145-150: MMA- Jack Roland (Tru Bloodline) vs Dylan Spyer (10th Planet ATX)

170-180: Box- Inmar Gomez (Tru Bloodline) vs Jake Christensen (10th Planet ATX)

155-160: MMA- Edward Romero (TXO Outlaws) vs Brian James (Next Level)

170: KB- Chris Bushnell (A.F.K.) vs Ian Selby (10th Planet ATX)

145-155: MMA- Caleb Kraft (10th Planet) vs Sam Borghese (Tru Bloodline)

155: MMA- Mike Zarate (Team Zarate) vs Johnny Alverez (Tru Bloodline)

145-150: KB- Andrew Carvajal (10th Planet ATX) vs Isaiah Garza (Tru Bloodline)

195-205: Box- Arturo Chavez (Tru Bloodline) vs Preston Maddox (10th Planet ATX)

Super Hvy: Box- Cameo Baker (Tru Bloodline) vs Juan Torres (Hit City Boxing)

Matches are still being added, if you don’t see your name have no fear this card will continue to be updated! Please share this link to promote the event! All Glory To Our King Jesus!!!

Click The Ticket


BreWingZ Location Link